Written by Kyle Gordon, Content & Communications Manager at Rangle

Rangle employees at a whiteboardRangle is a leading product and design firm specialized in using JavaScript to create mobile and web applications. Our team of 150+ members in Toronto include some of the most talented Angular and React developers in the world. Coupled together with Lean UX product design, solutions consulting, continuous delivery and Agile best practices, our team of experts create and deploy new technologies for large and small brands across the globe.

At Rangle, we invest in amazing individuals and we firmly believe that happy team members create the best work. Here are the Top 10 Reasons to work at Rangle:

  1. Conference Budget: We provide a generous conference allowance to all our employees and encourage them to attend world-class conferences.

  2. Guilds: We foster a self-starter community and encourage our team members to create guilds.

  3. Lunches & Socials: We unwind together on Fridays with our weekly hangouts.

  4. RRSP Matching Program: We are invested in your future as much as you are.

  5. Stocked Refreshments: We have a fully-stocked fridge of snacks.

  6. Gym Membership: We want our team members to live a healthy lifestyle.

  7. Work from Home: We value work-life balance.

  8. Rangle Academy: We have a variety of programs that foster continuous learning and growth.

  9. Health Coverage: We offer competitive health coverage that spans dental, vision, massage, and medical benefits.

  10. Centrally Located: Our head office is conveniently located in the heart of Toronto.

Come check out our current opportunities!

Rangle employees_Rangle is Fluxible's Supremium Sponsor. We are thrilled and honoured that a product design firm from Toronto is this year's leading sponsor. _