Trip O'DellTrip is a User Experience Designer at (an Amazon Subsidiary). He listens to a lot of Audiobooks.

From an early age, Trip developed an irritating habit of asking “why?” and never stopped. He has traveled the world in search of adventures, collecting stories (most of which are true), and finding interesting problems to solve.

He is fascinated by the weird and wonderful ways human beings process, perceive, and interact with stories, places, and one another. One time, he even convinced Indiana University to grant him an MS in Immersive Mediated Environments.

Trip’s professional experience includes serving as a volunteer teacher on a Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, selling meat door-to-door in rural Ohio, and designing digital consumer products at Adobe, Microsoft and Amazon.

His current work at Audible includes working on the next generation of storytelling experiences for The Cloud, Kindle, iOS, Android, Windows 8 as well as some amazing platforms/services coming soon.

He lives in Montclair, NJ with his wife, three children, and an emotionally distant Labrador named Duke. Among his myriad of skills and interests, Trip can make balloon animals on request.

Twitter: @tripodell

Web: Trip's place