Fluxible Banner at TanneryFluxible 2012 has come and gone, and we’re delighted that it seems to have been a huge success. While we were pleased with the program that we had assembled, the response was even more positive than we had hoped it would be. Thanks to everyone who attended and made this thing work!

We have a few things to still address.

One is that we'll be making available, as PDFs, the on-site insta-posters created during the event. Stay tuned for that.

We'll also be making available videos of the Saturday talks at the Conrad Centre. Again, stay tuned for that.

We'll try to round up any Fluxible coverage on the web. If you know of any blog posts or photo sets or related materials, please let us know in the comments below!

As you'll have seen, after Fluxible ended we sent out a survey to learn more about what people thought. We were floored by the fact that 45% of people responded! Thanks to you all — we truly appreciate the feedback. We'll summarize our results in a post soon, and we'll follow up with those of you who provided an email address in your feedback. Here is a small sample of the comments that we received. These provide a good sense of the overwhelmingly positive experience that people tell us they had.

"Excellent quality speakers and presentations. My brain exploded with ideas!"

"Excellent speakers and a very good blend. Fun, friendly and generous atmosphere. Attention to details. Strong sense of community."

"The talks were inspiring and it was great that you have included a good variety of speakers from the academia and industry, as well as different sectors of the market (e.g. female, health, etc.). The chance of networking was invaluable. The music interlude was also enjoyable."

"Great venues, good pacing, fantastic speakers."

"I enjoyed the talks and workshops. I found the diversity of topics was well thought out. As a developer, I enjoyed learning more about the designer's perspective and toolset."

"I thought the talks and workshops were fun and provided a good learning experience! I was surprised to see such an interesting cast of speakers. Very interesting and kind people. Also, thanks for trying to get some music working! Including the musical interludes on Saturday was a brilliant idea."

"I learned a lot. Mission accomplished."

"Lots of interesting content, both theoretical and practical, which generated lively discussion. Extremely knowledgeable, personable, approachable presenters who participated in all aspects of the conference."

"Connecting with other designers, experiencing the energy and enthusiasm that was created. Hearing some of the talks from amazing designers around the globe. The food and social event were excellent, well done!"

Of course we also received some great suggestions on how to make next year's version even better.

Thanks again to our wonderful sponsors, our great team, and to everyone who registered!