Canadian Flag

Today is Canada Day, the day each year on which we commemorate the founding of Fluxible's home as it exists today, achieved through meetings and conferences and political daring-do leading up to the enactment of the British North America Act on July 1, 1867.

And on Friday, it's Independence Day in the United States, a celebration of that nation's slightly more contentious, yet completely successful, founding. Interestingly, celebratory fireworks come into play on both sides of the border on the respective holidays!

Had we been paying more attention, we would not have set Fluxible earlybird registration to end in the midst of what is essentially a long weekend here in Canada. But we can fix this! We're extending earlybird registration for Fluxible through midnight on Friday, July 4.

And while Kitchener, Ontario, is located in the eastern time zone, we're going to make the deadline midnight on the west coast. Yeah! What better way to celebrate the founding of our two neighbouring countries than by registering for Fluxible? Well, maybe a barbecue would be cool, along with some nice craft beer. Also, some croquet or bocce with family is always fun. But as far as UX events goes, we can say with certainty that nothing would beat registering for Fluxible.