Admission TicketsDespite the AMAZING deal of Fluxible's earlybird ticket pricing, we appreciate some companies might still need a little nudge to send you. But fear not, good Fluxers. We're here to help! We've put together a little ditty we like to call the Quick guide to convincing your boss you need to be at Fluxible 2014 FTW.

In addition to some compelling facts, we've thrown in a few quotes from Fluxer alum so that your boss doesn't just have to take our word for it.

Should none of these reasons convince your boss, we suggest playing the Fluxible theme song as background music at the office. If the direct approach doesn't work, perhaps subliminal messaging will.

Improve your mad UX skills

It really boils down to some simple math, here:

Attend Fluxible = big ideas + new tools + improved methods = business success

Your UX game is about to be turned up to 11. Be sure to remind your boss that you'll share your newly-learned skills, tips, and tricks with the rest of the team, so everybody wins. Right? Of course!

And don't let the rock-bottom pricing fool your boss — we've put together a lineup that's world class, so you'll be learning from the best of the best (of the best!). You'll rub shoulders with published authors like Giles Colborne and Indi Young, design thought leaders such as Danielle Malik and Dana Chisnell, and one of the most notable (and entertaining) names in all of UX, Jared Spool. And that's just scratching the surface.

“Excellent quality speakers and presentations. My brain exploded with ideas!” — a Fluxible attendee

Networking to grow and learn

If you're part of a growing team, there's no better way to meet your next hire. Between workshops, while ordering a latte, or standing in line at the goat check, you'll make valuable contacts for the next time your team needs help.

And as an aside conference tip, you'll learn almost as much from talking with other attendees (and speakers) as you will in the talks and workshops. Networking is about sharing information and knowledge, and Fluxers are a willing and chatty bunch!

“I met a lot of interesting people in the design community locally, and made a lot of really great connections in the global community.” — another Fluxible attendee

Being inspired inspires others

The enthusiasm and renewed energy you'll harness from just these 2 short days will spill into your work. And it's infectious, so your colleagues will feel a lift too. You'll find yourself taking on bigger challenges, you'll be whistling in the hallways — heck, you might even ask your boss for more work!

“I was inspired. It made me think of new ways to approach my job. It made me question the way I've been doing things and suggested new approaches.” — yet another Fluxible attendee

Best bang for your buck

Let's cut to the chase - this ticket is the deal of the century! At only $445 for an early-bird registration, you can't beat it with a sharpie. The ticket for a premiere UX conference like Fluxible is normally much higher!

And that's just the registration savings. If you live in Ontario, your travel expenses will range from zero to negligible, especially in comparison to events south of the border. Plus, we'll be keeping you belly-rubbing full all weekend so you won't have to expense any meals, either!

“Overall it was so well run, a great learning experience, and truly a great conference.” — yes, still another Fluxible attendee. See the pattern?