15-minute presentation with Darren Kropf

Complete Streets: Designing streets for all

1:40pm – 1:55pm EST Sunday 22 Sep 2019CIGI

A transformative shift in thinking is underway when it comes to designing and building streets. For the past several decades, transportation planning has centred around the automobile, but today there are a whole range of users and user experiences that are shaping the design and functions of streets. With streets occupying over 10% of all land in Kitchener, they need to do more than just move people, by providing a whole range of benefits to the community.

About Darren Kropf
Active Transportation Planning at the City of Kitchener
Darren Kropf

Active Transportation Planning Project Manager for the City of Kitchener, with a focus on Complete Streets. He brings his professional background of neighbourhood development and community engagement to transportation planning by finding fun and creative ways to partner with the community in making streets safer for all modes of transportation. Darren lives in Kitchener and can often be spotted taking his kids around the neighbourhood on his cargo bike, frequently stopping for ice cream along the way.