Looking ahead to September, wouldn’t it be great to know what the weather will be like for Fluxible? Rainy? Sunny? Frighteningly early snowfall?

We were hoping that our next speaker, Janice de Jong, would be able to enlighten us, but it turns out that the forecasting she does is of a different kind.

Before joining BlackBerry as a trend forecaster, Janice graduated from Industrial Design at Carleton University. Janice believes in understanding today to make a better tomorrow. She is a colour and textile enthusiast who thinks metaphors about weaving make perfect sense. Janice is also a wannabe yogi and volunteers as cat adoption coordinator at the Humane Society.

We hold out hope for that long-term weather prediction. Maybe just tell us there won’t be sub-zero temperatures and snow, Janice, OK?

Stay tuned for further announcements and details about Janice’s session at Fluxible.