Kate Wilhelm

Kate has been owning her development as a user experience practitioner since she became the first Information Architect at BlackBerry seven years ago. She creates opportunities to learn and grow through whatever scrappy means she can devise, both on the job and off, and finds ways to bring others along for the ride. And a scrappy ride it can be, too!

At BlackBerry, Kate works on making it easier for developers to create apps for BlackBerry. She also works on bringing a user focus to projects and on building awareness and capacity for UX in her company and community. She does this through promoting and engaging in UX activities, sharing her work, mentoring her peers, and other shenanigans. Kate was happy to contribute to World IA Day in New York as a panel moderator this year and enjoys contributing to local tech meetups and events.

Outside of the office, you'll find her in the dojo working on her ninja cred. That's just a heads up…

Work: BlackBerry
Twitter: @katewilhelm