CommunitechOne step in the Communitech Hub and I knew I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Two sneaker wearing hipsters buzzed by, engaged in such passionate discourse I can only imagine they are devising the next big thing, while another few sat in the steel appliance lined canteen typing furiously on matching laptops. There was such a contagious energy in the air that I quickly found myself wondering how I could stretch out my scheduled 15 minute interview to soak it all up.

Within seconds of meeting Iain Klugman (@iainklugman), Communitech's President and CEO, it was obvious that the energy is organic. "I love Fluxible!", he exclaimed over our initial handshake. "Building the local economy is all about user experience." I pinched myself just to make sure it was for real - an inspiring space, collaborative energy and an organization that understands the value of good user experience?

I can assure you - they're for real.

Communitech helps technology companies start, grow and succeed by providing access to world-class coaching and mentoring, talent, and much more. However, this techie CEO is emphatic that technology is just a commodity. "The real differentiator in the marketplace is the user experience."

To further illustrate this point, he shows me a poster in his office: "_To the user, the interface is the product." _With startup success stories like BufferBox, Thalmic Labs and Vidyard to their credit, it's evident that this motto permeates through the exposed brick, beam and concrete office space.

The Fluxible team is thrilled and grateful to have this unparalleled organization sponsor this year's conference. Thank you, Communitech!